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I looked at that sweater neatly tucked under my yellow sundress

It has been three years , four months and six days since I had the courage 

to feel it under my fingertips..

I might put it on , but I would feel naked.

I might feels its wool scratching against my back, 

But I would feel the carpet burns that had marred my skin .

I might pick at its perfectly interlaced strands of yarn, 

But they’ll remind me of my imperfect shattered soul turning its in coffin.

I might wonder about the way it used to give me warmth and comfort, 

but It would remind me of the way it wrapped around me neck, chocking me to eternal silence.

I grabbed the sweater , ripped it to shreds like he ripped my dignity,

I ran to the fireplace and set it blaze like he did to my sanity.

I looked at the sweater now, tucked under the roaring flames.

Its gone, forever… 

its time now for a new chapter in my story.

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