Over a cup of coffee

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over a cup of coffee


A sensory assault of earth and warmth 

Sliding down my throat struggling to calm my nerves.

My words are there,

straining against my vocal chords

Yearning to make a sound.

They are begging me to part my mouth 

and not steal their destiny.

You are sipping the brown beverage 

Gazing at me patiently 

Waiting for me to be as strong as your coffee.

The froth is settling down unlike my anxiety 

The words are now knocking at the doors of my lips getting angsty.

And when I finally liberate them from my suffocating mind-

I’d to tell you I’ve suffered.

I’d tell you life wasn’t fair and it sure was not kind to me.

I’d tell you, life was a damn travesty.

But I’d also tell you I’m stronger than my life’s will to pain me.

I’d tell you I’ve fought my way to the present 

because my past can’t be my gravity. 

I’d tell you with conviction-

I’ll make it,

Over a cup of coffee

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